
  1. i’m going crazy. there, i’ve said it. isn’t saying these fatal words suppose to alleviate some stress? some strain? alas, no, my heart is still gripped in this wretched vice. someone, please someone, loosen the jaws in this vice as my heart is about to plastically deform. my heart’s nearing the elastic limit; the number of dislocations keep accumulating; these dislocations continuously interact, inducing strain fields that annihilate, quickening this deformation process. these dislocations have taken hold of my surface irregularities, defects in my heart that were never fixed, never mended. these dislocations propagate; my slip planes compress; my bonds sequentially break, crack and rupture. i beg, please stop! loosen the jaws in this vice!
  2. yes, i heard that,
  3. i heard it snap too

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