I’m tackling the most uncomfortable subject,
which is myself.
A girl lost in the labyrinths of her own psyche,
A girl recovering from this boy’s devastating effects,
Everywhere she runs, there’s something blocking her escape.
That sweet short lived escape
Tension keeps building in this girl’s web
Her regulator is broken.
A girl unable to create the optimal tension set- point
A girl unable to generate the signal for her internal dancer roller
A girl unable to lower this roller to reduce the brake pressure
A girl unable to fix this shaft encoder as the roller refuses to move
It’s stuck.
Pull too tight, you will distort her web
Don’t pull tight enough, you will break her web
Just skip the small talk
Wind me until this tension is released
Increase the speed of your motor, boy
I said skip the small talk
I don’t want your love or your heart, boy
Just unwind my web